Tag Archives: Avoid

Review: Iwatsukaseika Ltd. Noukou Cheese Agesen (Cheese Crackers)

Hi there! I’m currently in Japan, and trying all kinds of different snacks and things. I hope you don’t mind this shortened review format while I blaze through some new snacks! Iwatsukaseika Ltd. Noukou Cheese Agesen (Cheese Crackers) Best before: … Continue reading

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Review: Oreo Soft Cookies Ice Flavor Lemon

Review: Oreo Soft Cookies Ice Flavor Lemon Purchased: November 2011 Best Before: February 14, 2012 Review: December 2012 I was on an insane quest for Pumpkin Cheesecake-flavoured Kit Kats, which were released in early October 2011 in Japan, in celebration … Continue reading

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Review: Kit Kat Semi-Sweet

Review: Kit Kat Semi-Sweet Purchased: 2010 Best Before: February 2011 Review: September 2011 As you might have picked up on, I tend to find Japanese sweets fairly… sweet. The basic level of sweetness in a Kit Kat is about as … Continue reading

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Review: “Ramune Blueberry Flavour”

Ramune Blueberry Flavour (Distributed by CTC Food International Inc., Daiei Trading Co., Inc.) Purchased: Fall 2010 Best Before: — Review: March 2011 As I mentioned in my Banana Kit Kat Bar review, one of my favourite artificial flavours is fake … Continue reading


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