Happy New Year! Year of the Dragon JP Kit Kat

Happy New Year! 2012 is the year of The Dragon, according to the Chinese Zodiac, and to celebrate Japan Post teamed up with Nestle to create a special Kit Kat! Containing two regular Kit Kats, this box is adorned with a cute salaryman dragon, and the back features a little money/note envelope for giving out new years money! My friend Jocelyne Allen picked this up for me while we were both in Tokyo, and it was really nice of her to enable my crippling addiction like that. Just kidding! Love you Jocelyne! ;)

I hope you’re all having a very happy new year, and I hope you enjoy this week’s daily snack food reviews–I wanted to start off 2011 on the right foot! :D


– Chris
P.S.: This package inexplicably came in a plastic bag, which also had a package of tissues in it branded with some sort of random Japanese company. I have no idea what that’s all about, but I figured since it came as a set, I’d photograph it as a set. Enjoy!

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