Category Archives: Best of the Web

Best of the Web: Aerocize!

I came across this while reviewing Aero Green Tea this week, and was a little awestruck. I don’t normally do this sort of thing, I’m not terribly interested in “Japan is so weird!” type postings, but it seems since my last visit they’ve switched the marketing on Aero chocolate bars to… a health food. Continue reading

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Best of the Web: How to drink in Japan at

This weekend’s Best of the Web directs you to Japanese-culture-for-Westerners website, and their article “How to Drink in Japan.” I liked this article as much for what it did tell you as for what it didn’t. While last weekend’s … Continue reading

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Best of the Web: on Kaiten Sushi

Danny Choo’s recent post on Japanese “Conveyor Belt” sushi, or Kaiten Sushi, is a great primer on kaiten sushi restaurants. It even includes a video, and some wonderful photos as seen above. Continue reading

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Filed under Best of the Web

Best of the Web: Shibuya246 Combini Monday

Shibuya246 is the work of an Australian ex-pat named Alan, who photographs life in and around Japan with a focus on the Shibuya area. Festivals, advertising, fashion, and day-to-day life all fall under his lens, and he’s quite adept. He has a regular feature on his blog called “Combini Monday” where he’ll walk into a Japanese convenience store (combini) and just photograph the new and interesting snacks and food. Continue reading

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