Category Archives: Website Information


Hey folks, sorry about the lack of updates but I’ve had far less time to update in England than I’d hoped. It’s been a wonderful trip though, and I’m hoping I get to come back soon. I should be updating … Continue reading

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Filed under Website Information

Happy New Year! Year of the Dragon JP Kit Kat

Happy New Year! 2012 is the year of The Dragon, according to the Chinese Zodiac, and to celebrate Japan Post teamed up with Nestle to create a special Kit Kat! Containing two regular Kit Kats, this box is adorned with … Continue reading

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Filed under Japanese Kit Kats, Snack News, Website Information

Extended Vacation Ending Soon

With the last update having been October 17th, you could be forgiven for thinking that this blog had ceased updating, but I assure you it’s not the case! At the end of October I went to Japan for almost three … Continue reading

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Filed under Website Information

News: Japanese Food Safety Following 3/11

There’s a great deal of concern about the safety of Japanese food in the wake of radiation leaks from the Fukushima reactors damaged in the March 11th earthquake and tsunami. As pointed out over at Japan Probe, these fears are … Continue reading

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Oyatsu Break! In The News!

To celebrate the launch of Oyatsu Break! in July, I treated a bunch of friends and associates to an evening of Kit Kat Tasting. 40 flavours of Kit Kat were disseminated amongst candy-lovers and Japanese Kit Kat virgins, with some … Continue reading

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