Tag Archives: Aero

Best of the Web: Aerocize!

I came across this while reviewing Aero Green Tea this week, and was a little awestruck. I don’t normally do this sort of thing, I’m not terribly interested in “Japan is so weird!” type postings, but it seems since my last visit they’ve switched the marketing on Aero chocolate bars to… a health food. Continue reading

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Filed under Best of the Web

Review: Aero Green Tea

Japan has Aero bars now–both standard, milk chocolate Aero, and special localised flavours like Green Tea. I’d actually tried Green Tea Aeros thanks to my good friend Deb Aoki, and sure enough today when I looked in the back of the fridge I still had most of a bag back there! (Seriously my fridge is so full of Japanese candy you would not believe.) Continue reading

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